4 reasons to take the WSO2 Identity Server training

Ishara Naotunna
2 min readApr 10, 2020


I know your inbox is inundated with all the free courses in the world. So I’ll make my best case here. (Completely detached by the fact I’m a part of the team).

But why WSO2 Identity Server?

It’s an open source product that helps to build customer identity and access management platforms. Customer identity and access management is important because it ensures identity data is used meaningfully so companies can increase customer loyalty and retention. Most companies that are looking to be more efficient or productive and want to provide a really good end user-experience often look into this and you want to ensure you’re up to the task.

Let’s get to it.

  1. If you’re a developer who can ace a product like this, building a customer IAM platform would be right up your alley. Identity and access management plays a huge role in helping companies become more productive and efficient. Or in other words “digital transformation”. Although single sign-on for your end-users seems like a simple project, learning about how it connects with authentication, connecting users to various applications help get to the bigger picture. Our course covers all of this.
  2. It’s not just theory. You also get hands-on tutorials so you can actually try the product. You can also reach out to our IAM developer team of WSO2 for any questions via slack, at any time.
  3. Free certification. Once you’ve completed the fundamentals training and the certification, you get to update your CV with “WSO2 certified Identity Server developer”. You would want to update your Linkedin profile with this, trust me.
  4. You can finish the course at your own pace. But if you’re really committed, you can learn the basics and try out the exercises in just 2.5 days. We know that working from home doesn’t mean you have free time. If anything, the lines of personal time are quite blurry. But think of the time you spent time watching TV and wish you didn’t (like the last season of Game of Thrones). We think this is would be a pretty good use of your time.

Also, the course is free. I felt the other reasons would outweigh it so I took it off the list. If you’re interested, start learning here.



Ishara Naotunna

Head of Product marketing at Vetstoria. Bibliophile and loves dogs. Maynard James Keenan and Dave Grohl are my imaginary homies. Music heals.